Chinese Space Science and Technology
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Zhou Wenzhong (Beijing Institute of Control Engineering)
Abstract: The matrix method of the attitude determination for spin-stabilized geostationary communication satellite and its cases of practical engineering application are described in this paper. In this matrix method the rotation angle from sun to earth λ_(s(?)) in addition to the earth angle θ_s and sun angle θ_s is simultaneously used for determing spinstabilized geostionary satellite attitude. This method gives uniquely an unambiguous attitude solution simplified the algorithm provides geometric condition where singularity oecures only when the earth and the sun vectors are co-linear and higher accuracy of attitude determination of the satellite. The matrix method was satisfactorily used and verified by the five chinese communication satellite successfully launched.
Zhou Wenzhong (Beijing Institute of Control Engineering). MATRIX METHOD OF ATTITUDE FOR SPIN-STABILIZED GEOSTATIONARY COMMUNICATION SATELLITE[J]. Chinese Space Science and Technology.
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