Chinese Space Science and Technology
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Lu Yusun Li Hua (Lan Zhou Institute of Physics)
Abstract: Kevlar which is used in the structure of spacecraft as the ne- west material,BF-2 which is used to protect the solar cells as the coverglass and GD414 which is used to make adhesives for spacecraft,are important and necessary materials in space technology.So it is important to realize the property of electric charge accumulation on its surface in space environ- ment.In this laboratory,the experimental study of the surface inherent and the induced conductivity in the simulated space environment have been done. And the analysis of experiment results have been given.
Lu Yusun Li Hua (Lan Zhou Institute of Physics). STUDY OF CHARGING CHARACTERISTIC OF BF-2 COVERGLASS,GD414 AND KEVLAR[J]. Chinese Space Science and Technology.
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