Chinese Space Science and Technology

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Design of Autonomous Homing Trajectory for Parafoil Delivery System

Xiong Jing Qin Zizeng Cheng Wenke(Institute of Aerospace and Material Engineering,National University ofDefense Technology,Changshai 410073)   

  • Online:2005-12-25

Abstract: Firstly,based on six degree-of-freedom kinetic modeling and simulating,the basic flight characters of parafoil system and predigest the model are analyzed. Then,the idea of(multiphase) trajectory programming and features in each phase are introduced.And a set of homing project for different conditions is brought forward.The process of modeling for optimal control is also introduced.Normalization and equal scale,these two pretreatment methods improve precision of calculation,and facile choice of weighting factors.At last,a sample testifies the(feasibility) of the two methods and shows the characters for each.