Chinese Space Science and Technology

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Analysis on the Influence of Natural Convection during Melting of Phase Change Material

Jian Lujing Zhang Jiaxun Li Jindong (China Academy of Space Technology,Beijing 100094)   

  • Online:2009-04-25

Abstract: In order to analyze the influence of natural convection during the melting process of phase change material(PCM),the two dimensional unsteady single-phase governed equations were built and simulations were conducted with SIMPLE method for the melting process in a square cavity heated from below and cooled from above.The characteristics of temperature and flow fields varied with time were studied.The results show that natural convection increases the effective heat conductivity of liquid PCM.With the solid-liquid interface moving upwards,the effect of natural convection is enhanced and the flow patterns change continually.

Key words: Natural convection, Unsteady state, Phase change material melting, Numerical simulation, Spacecraft