Chinese Space Science and Technology

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Blind Separation of Space Radio Reconnaissance Signals with Same Frequency

Zhou Zhiyu Chen Hao (China Academy of Space Technology,Xi'an 710100)   

  • Online:2009-06-25
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Abstract: The problem of separating several signals with same frequency is very common in space radio reconnaissance,but it is difficult to deal with it by traditional signal processing.A new blind signal separation method of parallel FastICA to solve the problem was proposed,which didn't need any information of the source signals and could correctly separate the signals mixed in the frequency-domain.The method is fit for radio reconnaissance and can be used widely.The simulations demonstrate that the FastICA can separate the signals mixed in the frequency-domain whose power has 10000 times difference.The FastICA not only has a good performance under gauss white noise condition,but also has a fast convergence.The proposed method will have a good application prospect.

Key words: Separation of signals with same frequency, Blind signal separation, Independent, component analysis, Space electronic reconnaissance