Chinese Space Science and Technology

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Traversability Based Path Planning Algorithm for Lunar Rovers

Liu Jianjun~(1,2) Chen Jianxin~(1,2) (1 Beijing Institute of Control Engineering,Beijing 100190) (2 National Laboratory of Space Intelligent Control,Beijing 100190)   

  • Online:2009-06-25

Abstract: It is very necessary for a path planning algorithm of a planetary rover to utilize the rover's mobility and terrain characteristics better.A path planning algorithm,which is based on the traversability of a lunar rover and terrain information,was proposed.The grid based world model was subdivided and four statistical parameters were analyzed which implyed the security as the rover holding still or moveing along predetermined arcs,and the path search algorithms were based on A* and D* algorithms.The flow charts were presented and simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms.

Key words: Lunar rover, Traversability, Path planning, Algorithm, Planetary probe