Chinese Space Science and Technology

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Thermal Control Design and Analysis of Remote Sensor Onboard Geostationary Satellite

Liu Zhenyu~1 Cheng Huier~1 Sun Jingliang~2 (1 School of Mechanical Engineering,Shanghai Jiaotong University,Shanghai 200240) (2 Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology,Shanghai 200235)   

  • Online:2009-06-25

Abstract: A thermal model of a remote sensor onboard the geostationary satellite was established to meet the high quality requirements in thermal analysis of the space remote sensor and dispose heat radiation and heat conduction in orbit.The temperature distribution of the remote sensor instrument was calculated based on the advanced finite difference method with control volume approach,which can deal with the radiation boundary condition efficiently.The Oppenheim' s method was used to calculate the radiation heat transfer inside the remote sensor and the calculation of radiation view factor of boundary surface was based on a blockage criterion.The thermal control design for the remote sensor was presented,which contributed to its channel registration and focus stability.The steady and transient analyses were performed to obtain the temperature response of the remote sensor scan mirror.

Key words: Remote sensor, Ambient temperature, Thermal analysis, Geostationary earth, orbit satellite