Chinese Space Science and Technology

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Analysis of Orbit Dynamics for Spacecraft Octahedron Formation Configuration in the Circular Orbit

Lin Laixing Che Rucai (Beijing Institute of Control Engineering,Beijing 100190)   

  • Online:2009-06-25

Abstract: A novel octahedron configuration of satellite formation flying was proposed.The characters of many formation flying configurations in recent years can be represented in this octahedron configuration.It is also suitble to the formation flying mode of the space demonstration project.The design method of octahedron formation configuration was based on the CW equation, and the along-track formation configuration in the orbit plane can be maintained using orbit dynamics.The above or below hanging formation configuration can be achieved using contorl in the orbit plane,and the formation configuration perpendicular to the orbit plane can be achieved using cross-track control.The precision of hanging dynamic model based on CW equation was analyzed in detail,and a low earth orbit satellite octahedron configuration was simulated for validation.

Key words: Octahedron, Formation flying, Orbital configuration, Dynamics, Spacecraft