Chinese Space Science and Technology

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Study on FPGA Fault Models in Evolutionary Fault Tolerance

Gong Jian~(1,3) Yang Mengfei~(2,3) Wen Liang~1 (1 Beijing Institute of Control Engineering,Beijing 100190) (2 China Academy of Space Technology,Beijing 100094) (3 National Laboratory of Space Intelligent Control,Beijing 100190)   

  • Online:2009-06-25

Abstract: Different fault models are required according to the corresponding fault tolerance methods.The features of evolutionary fault tolerance method was analyzed,considering that compatible FPGA fault model should be studied.First,the concept of fault model partition was presented based on the definition of fault model,so that FPGA fault models can be studied from different perspectives.Second,according to the architecture features of SRAM based FPGA,two FPGA fault model partitions classified by the function and the configuration of FPGA were proposed.Finally,the corresponding fault tolerance methods fitting for the two fault model partitions were analyzed.The test results show that the fault model partition classified by the configuration of FPGA can simplify the fault detection in evolutionary fault tolerance method.

Key words: Fault model, Field programmable gate array, Evolution, Fault tolerance