Chinese Space Science and Technology

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Impact of UPF Filter Parameters on Spacecraft Celestial Navigation Performance

Ning Xiaolin Fang Jiancheng Ma Xin(School of Instrument Science & Opto-electronics engineering,Beihang University,Beijing 100191)   

  • Online:2010-06-25
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Abstract: In spacecraft celestial navigation system,the state and measurement models are strongly nonlinear,and noises are non-Gaussian.UPF shows a better navigation performance compared with EKF and UKF.In the celestial navigation system based on UPF,parameters τ,Q,R,particle number and resampling scheme in the UPF have great impact on the navigation performance.The impacts of these parameters on navigation performance of spacecraft autonomous celestial navigation system were studied by some simulations.The conclusions are useful for the design of autonomous celestial navigation system based on UPF.