Chinese Space Science and Technology

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Stability of the Condensing Interface in a Capillary Loop with Phase Change

Tu Zhengkai1 Liu Wei2 Liu Zhichun2 Fan Aiwu2 (1 State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and Progressing,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430070) (2 College of Energy and Power Engineering,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430074)   

  • Published:2010-08-25 Online:2010-08-25
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Abstract: A mathematical model based on the Lucas-Washburn equation was developed to address the relations of the capillary height,capillary radius and the heat flux in a capillary column and the equation was extended to a capillary loop for investigating the stability of the condensing interface with phase change by some simplifications. The stability of the condensing interface was studied by introducing a small disturbance into capillary height. The dynamics performances of the condensing interface under three different operating conditions were discussed. The results show that there is avibration with a certain amplitude on the condensing interface due to the periodic oscillation of the pressure in the system.