Chinese Space Science and Technology

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Research on Identification and Parameter Estimation of Cratering Induced by Impact on Single Plate with Acoustic Emission Signals

Tang Qi1 Pang Baojun1 Han Zengyao2 Liu Wugang3(1 School of Astronautics,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150080)(2 China Academy of Space Technology,Beijing 100094)(3 Beijing Institute of Structure and Environment Engineering,Beijing 100076)   

  • Online:2008-10-25

Abstract: Due to the threat of impact to spacecraft from space debris,the space debris in-suit detection system is required.For developing the detection system based on acoustic emission(AE) technique,means of failure mode identification by AE signals from hypervelocity impact on protection structure is necessary.AE waves were obtained with experiments of hypervelocity impact on single plate and numerical simulations and were analyzed in time domain and frequency domain.The results indicate that the main trough value increases linearly with the increase of impact velocity till the plate is penetrated.A threshold value that divides the penetration and cratering in the failure modes of plates can be defined on the ratio of high frequency component amplitude to low frequency one.A method was presented which identifies cratering mode of single-sheet plate and estimates the impact velocity and size of crater assuming certain diameter of projectile.