Effect of shielding materials on satellite internal dielectric charging effects in Jupiter orbits
YU Xiangqian, SHI Weihong, SONG Siyu, CHEN Hongfei, ZONG Qiugang, ZOU Hong, CHEN Ao, WANG Yongfu
2021, 41 (5):
doi: 10.16708/j.cnki.1000-758X.2021.0063
In the space environment around Jupiter, the dominant particles are high-energy electrons with E > 1 MeV (and can be higher than 100MeV), which can cause internal dielectric charging effects in spacecraft electronics. Huge mass is required to shield these electrons to reduce the incident internal flux to a safe level. The GEANT4 and RIC (radiationinduced conductivity) Monte Carlo toolkit method was used to study an optimum single shielding material design for high energy electrons during a Jupiter mission. Al, Ti, Fe, Cu, Ta and Pb were investigated as possible materials for spacecraft shielding. Calculation results indicate that, to mitigate internal dielectric charging effects during a Jupiter mission, lowZ materials provide less-efficient shielding with the same areal mass than high-Z materials. Therefore, shielding mass can be saved by using Ti, Fe, Cu, Ta or Pb, instead of Al which is commonly used in Earth orbits.
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