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Initial Orbit Determination with Space-based Angle Measurements Based on General Regularization Least Squares Estimation
LIU Guang-Ming, LIAO Ying, CHEN Zhong-Gui
Chinese Space Science and Technology 2010, 30 (
): 1-8.
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The main deficiencies of the traditional initial orbit determination with space-based angle measurements are due to that the systematic error observation data and the coefficient matrix is ill-posed or singular. Based on the analyses,the semi-parametric regression model of observation equations was established. The general regularization least squares estimation method based on penalized least squares estimation and ridge estimation was deduced,and the correlative characteristics of the method was proved. To improve the calculating efficiency,the column pivot element Givens-QR decomposition algorithm was introduced. Experimental computation indicates that the method is effective in achieving a satisfying result.
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Passive Location Method of Beidou Geostationary Satellites Positioning System Aided by Pseudolites
Liu Ruihua Zhang Fan (Institute of CNS/ATM,Civil Aviation University of China,Tianjin 300300)
Chinese Space Science and Technology
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At present,China's Beidou geostationary satellites positioning system can only achieve two-dimensional active location,which greatly limits its application. A passive location method was put forward by using pseudolites to aid Beidou Geostationary Satellites Positioning System. The positioning theory of this system was discussed and the system time synchronization problem was analyzed. The effects of number and layout of pseudolites on the system accuracy were researched by mathematical simulation. The results show that the proposed method is feasible,which can enhance the usability,reliability,stability and the location precision of the system.
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Performance Test for Image Quality Assessment
Wen Yihong Yang Kai Li Bo(School of Computer Science and Technology,Beihang University,Beijing 100191)
Chinese Space Science and Technology
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There are many objective methods for quality assessment(QA) in static image compression domain,but the research on assessing QA′s concidence with human quality judgements is inadequate.In order to compare their performances,an assessment method was designed.First build test image database,then obtain objective and subjective scores,finally compute all kinds of results based on the criteria.The test results prove that SSIM is more adapted than PSNR for assessing static image quality,and also verify the accurate of the proposed method.
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Uncertainty Evaluation on the Sniffing Probe Method of Helium Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector for Spacecraft
Wang Yong Yan Rongxin (China Academy of Space Technology,Beijing 100094)
Chinese Space Science and Technology
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Helium mass spectrometer sniffing probe method is widely used in the process of the single point leak testing on the spacecraft. So it is important to study the uncertainty evaluation of this method. First,the method of uncertainty evaluation was studied based on the basic theory about uncertainty. Secondly,the detail evaluation steps were also given through a example. The presented evaluation method may provide a reference for evaluating the uncertainty about the total leak rate method of spacecraft and vacuum leak testing method.
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Axial Flexible Vibration Characteristics of High Speed Spoked Rotors in Inertia Actuator
Deng Ruiqing1,3 Hu Gang2 Wang Quanwu1 (1 Beijing Institute of Control Engineering,Beijing 100190) (2 China Academy of Space Technology,Beijing 100094) (3 National Laboratory of Space Intelligent Control,Beijing 100190)
Chinese Space Science and Technology
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The disturbances generated from axial flexible vibration of the high speed rotor of the inertia actuator will have a bad effect on the precision and the stability of the spacecrate attitude control. The model of the flexible vibration must be set up to decrease the disturbances of the high speed rotor. The spoke of the rotor can be regarded as the cantilever beam with a fixed end and a lumped mass end. Thus the model of the flexible vibration was obtained,and the characteristics of the flexible vibration of the rotor were analyzed. The results show that the violent flexible vibration will happen if the motivation frequency equals to the natural frequency of the rotor. Moreover,the energy method can be used to increase the precision of the model.
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Experiment Study of Fluid Loop System on Manned Spaceship
Huang Jiarong Fan Yufeng Fan Hanlin(China Academy of Space Technology,Beijing 100094)
Chinese Space Science and Technology
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The thermal control fluid loop system technology scheme of manned spaceship was introduced,including system configure,flow chart,operating model,main technical status,and etc.All of the fluid loop experiment cases and related results were listed.Test data shows that fluid loop system has excellent temperature adjustment and adaptation ability.Further analysis of the heat transfer capability was carried out on heat exchange devices such as thermal radiator,air condenser,cold plate,and middle heat exchanger.Besides,the accumulator capability was also proved under the extreme low temperature case.The fluctuant problem of pump′s pressure head caused by gas released from fluid under extreme low pressure was also discussed.Finally,some suggestions on future fluid loop system improvement were presented.
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Reliability Verification Test Methods of a Hatch for Manned Spacecraft
Liu Zhiquan Xia Xiangdong(China Academy of Space Technology,Beijing 100094)
Chinese Space Science and Technology
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The functions,principles and failure modes of a hatch for manned spacecraft were presented.Reliability characteristic parameters of the hatch was given.Based on the thought of measurement for characteristic parameter of the hatch,the reliability verification test method was put forward,including test method,test state,test program,failure criterion and reliability assessment method.An application example of the method was shown.By these methods,the reliability of the hatch for manned spacecraft could be verified.
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Phasing Orbit Design for Chinese Lunar Satellite CE-1
Yang Weilian(China Academy of Space Technology,Beijing 100094)
Chinese Space Science and Technology
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A new concept of phasing orbit was adopted in the orbit design for the first Chinese lunar satellite.The phasing orbit established a connection between super GTO,which is inserted by the launch vehicle CZ-3A,and the trans-lunar trajectory.In order to make the conjoint orbit more accurate,the orbital perturbations caused by earth gravitational field should be taken into consideration.For doing so making use of the solution to the classical general perturbation theory is a good choice.Based on the solution,we can perform transformation between the osculation elements and the mean orbits.First transfer GTO into mean orbit,then connect it to mean phasing orbits,after that transform back to osculation one and connect with translunar-trajectory.
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Modulation Transfer Function Compensation Technology of Optical Remote Sensing Imaging System
Zeng Yong1 Chen Shiping2 Yu Jin1 (1 China Center for Resources Satellite Data and Application,Beijing 100094) (2 China Academy of Space Technology,Beijing 100081)
Chinese Space Science and Technology
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Modulation transfer function compensation (MTFC) is very important for optical remote sensing imaging system to promote image quality and optimize the imaging system modulation transfer function (MTF). Based on inverse filtering and Wiener filtering,the MTFC technology was studied and improved according to CBERS imaging system characteristics. The optimal design of MTFC was done from MTFC curve shape as follows:the middle frequency MTF was enhanced remarkably,and the high frequency part was enhanced moderately. It not only improved the image definition,but also controlled the noise involved. Compromise has been found between the image definition and noise for this technology. CBERS-02B HR imaging system is taken as an example,the result shows that MTFC can improve the image quality obviously,and at the same time,it increases some noises. Several suggestions are given to the applicability of MTFC finally.
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Information Fusion and Localization for Wireless Multisensor Based on Optimal Geometrical Topology
Yu Xiaolei1,2 Sun Yongrong1 Zeng Qinghua1 Liu Jianye1 (1 Navigation Research Center,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016) (2 Institute of Technology,Research & Innovation,Deakin University,Australia Vic 3217)
Chinese Space Science and Technology
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Considering the validity of received data,a novel information infusion and localization technology was presented for wireless multisensor based on optimal geometrical topology theory. The optimal sensor-target geometrical localization and topological characteristics were studied with three types of measurements including range-only,time of arrival,bearing-only. The results show that the sensor-target geometrical topology with optimal localization performance can be implemented by analyzing the sensor-target geometrical characteristics. And the optimal geometrical topology is usually not exclusive. Considerable research foundation was provided for understanding the essence of localization,tracking and navigation for wireless multisensor by intrinsic geometrical topology.
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Study of Close-loop Hovering Method at Any Selected Position to Space Target
Song Xumin Fan Li Chen Yong Li Zhi(Academy of Equipment Command and Technology,Beijing 101416)
Chinese Space Science and Technology
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The method of hovering at any selected position to spacecraft target was studied.For the present open-loop method was sensitive to external disturbance and initial error,a close-loop hovering method was proposed based on the Hill equation.The simulation was performed and the method was validated.It shows that the fuel consumption of two control methods are approximate but the performance of the close-loop control is better,which can realize hovering at any selected position to spacecraft target in spite of the initial velocity error.
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Stability of the Condensing Interface in a Capillary Loop with Phase Change
Tu Zhengkai1 Liu Wei2 Liu Zhichun2 Fan Aiwu2 (1 State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and Progressing,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430070) (2 College of Energy and Power Engineering,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430074)
Chinese Space Science and Technology
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A mathematical model based on the Lucas-Washburn equation was developed to address the relations of the capillary height,capillary radius and the heat flux in a capillary column and the equation was extended to a capillary loop for investigating the stability of the condensing interface with phase change by some simplifications. The stability of the condensing interface was studied by introducing a small disturbance into capillary height. The dynamics performances of the condensing interface under three different operating conditions were discussed. The results show that there is avibration with a certain amplitude on the condensing interface due to the periodic oscillation of the pressure in the system.
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Numerical Simulation on the Damage of Front Side of Gas-filled Pressure Vessels due to Hypervelocity Impact
Pang Baojun Gai Fangfang Guan Gongshun (Hypervelocity Impact Research Center,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150080)
Chinese Space Science and Technology
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The Lagrange methods in AUTODYN-2D were used to investigate the perforation of the front side of gas-filled pressure vessels. The static stress wall resulting from the inner pressure was simulated by applying a stress boundary along the inner wall. A better correlation between experimental and numerical results was obtained. The numerical simulation was performed to analyze the effects of the projectile diameter,the impact velocity and gas pressure on the perforation of the front wall. The simulation result shows that the effect of gas pressure on the perforation can be neglected. While impact velocity is higher than 3.0 km/s,some micro-crack are initiated at the edge of the circular hole in the vessel wall. Both hole diameter and crack diameter are increased with an increase of the impact velocity and projectile diameters. The critical stress curves with different impact parameters were obtained. While impact velocity is higher than 3.0 km/s,cracks and hole in the vessel walls will lead to a catastrophic failure of vessels.
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Simulation About Buffer Process of Omni-directional-type Airbag Landing Device
Deng Chunyan Pei Jinhua(Institute of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Research,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016)
Chinese Space Science and Technology
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In order to explore landing technology of Mars lander,the omni-direction airbag landing device of Mars Pathfinder was used and the structural design and landing mathematic and mechanical model were established by use of modern FEM analysis technology.The simulation process was developed,and the important parameters including a dynamic process of whole airbag to cushion the landing,overload analysis of important structural parts,the displacement and speed changes,internal air pressure and temperature curve and the airbag structure dynamic stress distribution were obtained.The result demonstrates the good buffer property of Mars lander and engineering application of FEM simulation analysis.
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Dual-path Quasi-optical System for Space Remote Sensing
Yu Junsheng1 Chen Xiaodong2 Miao Jungang3 Liu Shaohua1 Xu Liang2 Liu Xiaoming1 Su Hansheng1 Wei Qin'gang1 Mai Yuan1 Liu Hairui1 Bai Ming3 (1 Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Beijing 100876) (2 Queen Mary,University of London,London E1 4NS) (3 Beihang University,Beijing 100191)
Chinese Space Science and Technology
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Quasi-optical networks (QON) were widely used in the remote sensing radiometry system embedded in the satellite platform. Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Queen Mary University of London in collaboration with Beihang University had designed a dual-path QON by using the diffractive Gaussian beam analysis (DGBA) method developed at Queen Mary. The system required an output beamwidth of 20 degrees at-8.68dB with a side lobe below-25dB. Good agreement is achieved between simulation and experiment.
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Testable Designing Methods of Satellite Software
Yuan Li Wang Lei (Beijing Institute of Control Engineering,Beijing 100190)
Chinese Space Science and Technology
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Satellite's on-board software is much more complex than before,so how to improve test efficiency of satellite software is very important for its quality.The effective testable software designing is the key for improving test efficiency of integrated on-board satellite software.Several testable designing methods were proposed including testable multi-layered software architecture used to restrict software defaults in a limited layer,task template in contract used to reduce the correlations between tasks,global status code series used to point out software flow dynamically,and task scheduling & stack records used to describe software flow statically.The data analysis indicates those testable designing methods mentioned are feasible and effective for improving test efficiency of satellite software.
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Genetic Arithmetic Based Dynamic Channel Allocation Algorithm for SOFDM System in Satellite Multimedia Broadcastings
Yang Tong (China Academy of Space Technology,Beijing 100094)
Chinese Space Science and Technology
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The satellite orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (SOFDM) system is usually considered as an enormous amount of sub-carriers and large-scaled system architecture,as well as complicated channel transmitting characteristics,which makes some traditional dynamic channel resource allocation methods inefficient and induces to much power loss,such as the fixed group classification means. An improved method was proposed,which was designed to allot frequency and power resources via the genetic arithmetic with the survival of the fittest principle. The experimental results demonstrate that it can assign the sub-carriers and power in a more reasonably manner. Although its computational complex is equivalent in comparison with the genetic method,this novel means is able to save the system power almost 1dB,so as to remarkably spare the system resources and also improve the system package error rate (PER) performance.
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Parameter Identification of Orbital Free-floating Space Robot
Tian Fuyang Wu Hongtao Zhao Daxu Shao Bing Sun Hongli Zhu Jianying(Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016)
Chinese Space Science and Technology
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The parameter identification methods for inertial parameters of the base and unknown objects handled by manipulators on a free-floating space robot was studied.First,kinematics model of robots based on spatial operator algebra theory was obtained.Next,parameter identification of the base was studied based on the conservation principle of linear and angular momentum,then parameter identification of the unknown object handled by manipulators was considered based on the parameters of the base.Finally,the effect of the robot parameters on parameter identification was analyzed.The feasibility of the parameter identification methods was demonstrated by a hardware experiment on the ground as well as the numerical simulations.
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Programming of On-orbit Service Mission for Multiple Object Spacecrafts in Coplanar Circular Orbits
Ouyang Qi Zhao Yong Chen Xiaoqian (National University of Defense Technology,College of Aerospace and Material Engineering,Changsha 410073)
Chinese Space Science and Technology
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In order to reduce the cost of on-orbit service,the programming of on-orbit service mission for multiple object spacecraft in coplanar circular orbits was studied.First,the mission scenario was analyzed and the mathematic model was set up.The mission programming was a bi-layer optimization problem,and the outer layer was an optimal time distribute question while the inner layer was the multiple-revolution Lambert problem.Secondly,the solving method and its corresponding step were given.The inner layer problem was solved by a scheme method and the outer layer problem by the genetic algorithm.Finally,take three object spacecrafts as example,the programming problem was solved under two conditions that the mission time was limited or not.The results validate the efficiency of the method.
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Study of Long-distance Approaching and Companion Flying Technology
Wu Huiying Chen Hongyu Yu Yong Zhao Lingfeng(Shanghai Engineering Center for Micro-satellites,Shanghai 200050)
Chinese Space Science and Technology
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The orbit control technology of two long-distance satellites with similar semi-major axis,eccentric angle and inclination RAAN was analyzed.First,a new method of controlling the swing of orbit normal axis by changing the semi-major axis to adjust the change rate of RAAN was studied;secondly,the relationship between the control time and the size of relative ellipse was given;thirdly,the method of estimating the parameter of the relative ellipse by the module difference of radial vector was put forward;finally,the proposed methods were verified by the long-distance approaching and companion flying simulation of SZ-7 companion satellite and orbital module.
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