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    25 August 2002, Volume 22 Issue 04 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    A Discussion on the Development Goal of Manned Space Flight in China
    Wang Xiji (Chinese Academy of Space Technology, Beijing 100081)
    2002, 22 (04):  . 
    Abstract ( 1911 )   Save
    Reviewing the forty years history of manned space flight, people may find some round about courses for many reasons, among which the main one is how to choose the development goal reasonably.To develop manned space flight has six goals: development of resources of microgravity environment in space, development of resources of space orbit energy, development of resources of lunar energy, development of space based space flight and usage of resources of space positions, expanding living space of human beings on moon, expanding living space of human beings on Mars. This paper analyzes the experience and lessons of current international manned space flight. In view of China's situation, this paper believes that the goal of China's manned space flight should be the development and usage of resources of microgravity environment or space based space flight.
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    Simplified Design Method for the Spacecraft Shield Structure
    Lin Song Zhang Yuzhu (Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics School of the Astronautics,Beijing100083)
    2002, 22 (04):  . 
    Abstract ( 1712 )   Save
    Based on the experiments and theoretical analysis, a simplified spacecraft shield design method is developed in this paper, to choose the shield style and begin the preliminary spacecraft shield design A supposed metal particle is produced as the "design" particle to equate the effect made by realized debris The semi-empirical geometrical formulation for specific shield and the orbital debris engineering environment model are also utilized to roughly size the bumper and rear wall of meteoroid/debris shields The results of Whipple Shielding are consistent with that of other methods, so this design method developed is efficient and applied for the realized engineering design work.
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    The Optimum Method of Locking Telemetry Frame Synchronization
    Wang Xi Hao Yanyan (Beijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering, Beijing 100086)
    2002, 22 (04):  . 
    Abstract ( 2043 )   Save
    On condition that error codes occur in the telemetry stream, the method of getting the optimum parameters is supposed in accordance with the algorithm of locking frame synchronization. The minimum average time of getting lock of frame synchronization is the most important foundation to determine these parameters. Furthermore, the optimum parameters for 16 and 24 bits frame synchronization pattern are also presented with the consideration of other realistic factors.
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    Smoothing and Filtering Technique for Matching Data
    Zhu Jubo Ran Chengqi He Mingke (National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073)
    2002, 22 (04):  . 
    Abstract ( 1730 )   Save
    In the problem of smoothing, filtering and predicting matching data in aerospace measurement, matching data refers that velocity parameter is differential of position parameter. By using the prior information that measuring data are matching, the design of the polynomial least square filter is improved. The resulting smoothing filter equation processes position data and velocity data at the same time. Ratio of efficiency variance is also given. Because of using of prior information, the number of parameter to be estimated is reduced, and the parameter estimation accuracy is enhanced. Simulation results show that this method can improve the parameter estimation accuracy notably when target is maneuvering.
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    The Added Mass Research in Parachute System
    Xiong Jing  Qin Xiaobo  Cheng Wenke  (*Institute of Aerospace and Material Engineering,National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073) (Institute of Chinese Launch Vehicle, Beijing 100076)
    2002, 22 (04):  . 
    Abstract ( 2087 )   Save
    Although the parachute is widely used in deceleration system, it's seldom mentioned the establishment of moving equation and especially the added mass. It's the main reason to give a concrete description of the added mass in parachute, from introduction of concept, and application in equation, to determination and rule of numerical value, and analysis of parachute stability. Because parachute is light, flexible and blunt, its added mass is determined by many factors, which rule could be found from experiment data. And from root locus analysis, its effectin stable dropping of parachute is important.
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    An Improved Bayes Filter to Rebuilding the Trajectory
    Zhu Zhuanmin Li Hengnian Huang Yongxuan (System Engineering Institute, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049) Li Jisheng (Xi'an Satellite Control Centre, Xi'an 710043)
    2002, 22 (04):  . 
    Abstract ( 1670 )   Save
    Because of the complex of the integral function and the observation equation, it is very difficult to estimate the trajectory parameters according to the Bayes method. The Kalman Filter is often divergence. For rebuild of the trajectory, a approximate filter of condition rules with recursive formula which based on the Bayes method is put forward in the paper. It can estimate the state parameters of the system exactly. The simulation demonstrates the divergence of estimation and accuracy problems for project can be solved by this approach.
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    A First Order Solution for Frozen Orbit
    Yang Weilian (Beijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering ,Beijing 100086)
    2002, 22 (04):  . 
    Abstract ( 1840 )   Save
    Based on the first order solution of Brouwer's theory for artificial satellite orbit, formulas suitable for near circular orbit are derived. From the formation it is obvious that the frozen orbit is the exact circular one. The feature and the cause of the frozen orbit are easily explained. In addition, a very simple solution for the frozen orbit is also presented by using Hill variables.
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    Data Integration Based on Product Model for Aerocraft Multidisciplinary Design Optimization
    Fan Li Zhou Hongwei Zhang Yulin (National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073)
    2002, 22 (04):  . 
    Abstract ( 1936 )   Save
    A data exchange mechanism based on integrated product model to realize the software integration in Multidisciplinary Design Optimization is proposed, multi-views of integrated product model is defined to support multidisciplinary data needs. Lastly an application instance with regard to missile MDO is introduced to prove the method.
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    Arcjet-Engine Performance Test Using Hydrogen/Nitrogen Mixtures as Propellant
    Wu Hanji Feng Xuezhang Jiang Yuanda Zhang Zhiyuan Liu Wenxi Ma Yuli (Center for Space Science & Applied Research, Academia Sinica,Beijing 100080)$$$$
    2002, 22 (04):  . 
    Abstract ( 1851 )   Save
    The results of Arcjet engine performance test using Hydrogen/Nitrogen mixture (with simulating the decomposition products of hydrazine) with a pulse width modulated (PWM) power source are summarized. Tests show that the PWM power source runs stably and the DHSL 1 and DHSL 2 engines can be operated under the conditions of using Hydrogen/Nitrogen mixture as propellant, but the performance obtained from tests are somewhat lower due to internal leak of the engine seals at the high temperature.
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    Trajectory Design of Lunar Polar Probe
    Zhang Zhenmin Li Litao Yang Di (Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001)
    2002, 22 (04):  . 
    Abstract ( 1630 )   Save
    The advanced technique of phasing loop transfer orbit is introduced,which is acceptable at present According to the lunar polar probe which main mission is to observe the surface of the moon,and based on restriction and principle of trajectory scenarios, the trajectory scenario is designed and analyzed, when the transfer scenario of Phasing loop transfer orbit is used.And some results of design are given.
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